Gaza in 1967

It is another shocking story about the war crimes against our officers in 1967 , of course you know that after the 5th of June 1967 the commandership of the Egyptian army gave its orders to the army to withdraw from Sinai and from Gaza , I am not going to speak about this stupid decision from unqualified commandership but this just historical introduction.

Some of our misfortune officers and soldiers who did not have time to withdraw and were captured whether in the city or its borders were taken and gathered to form some kind of circle in some square at Gaza. They were burned alive.

The people of Gaza understood what was going against our officers and so some of them offered help to officers and soldiers to escape that living hell in 1967.

Many people ignore that the PLO or what was better known as "Shokairians" then in Gaza { tribute to Ahmed Shokair the founder of PLO} were also hunted down by the IDF. I can’t forget what Fouad Hagazi ,the famous former POW and novelist said once in the TV about the murder of 16 years Palestinian boy from PLO in front of the Egyptian POWs.

These photos from 1967 , it seems that the IDF gathered hundreds of Palestinians in the Jabalia camp to interrogate them. I do not have a doubt the questions were mainly about the Egyptian army , do not forget from 1948 Gaza sector was under the Egyptian control despite in 1956 Israel invaded it for couple of months.

The IDF war Crimes continue despite they could have been stoppped

The IDF war crimes continue in Gaza and the world is watching silently where as hundreds of innocent children ,women and children are being killed. They were killed by the IDF favorite weapons : The incendiary weapons !! It became an official fact that Israel is using White phosphorus after all it targeted the UNRWA buildings with it for three times !! Of course we do not need to mention the DIME and other unknown weapons used in this barbaric Nazi war

This is not the first time Israel used incendiary weapons against civilians or even against military to be accurate because I can’t forget the fact that the IDF and IAF mostly nobly poured napalm on our officers and soldiers in their attempt to withdraw from Sinai in the six days war. I can’t forget the fact that napalm was used against our citizens in the Suez Canal Cities on the morning of the 5th of June 1967 !!

In all of the Israeli wars with us prohibited weapons were used and the world acted as if we were less than animals with my all due respect.

May be the world for real listened to us then those children would not have !!  May be the world needed hard evidence , well below is hard evidence , I wonder what the civilized world will do to these violations of Geneva convention No.4

Please spread that slide show

I gathered all the photos day by day since the beginning of the land invasion of Gaza

I hope this time we will be able to do something , at least for those poor kids we must try to sue the war criminals of the IDF in front of the ICC ,We Can do it.

The POW Swap record between the Arabs and Israel “The Jewish Virtual library”

BBC Arabic published a very interesting report about the POWs Swap between the Arab and Israel since 1948. It comes as part of their coverage to the POWs Swap between Lebanon represented by Hezbollah and Israel from three week ago. Of course it is worth to say that the entire report is a complete translation to the Jewish Virtual library based on the IDF numbers and records and so it should not be trusted !!

The report which was translated by Shady El-Kashaf from Gaza traces back the most POWs Swap since the 1948 war,I will summarize it below till year 1967 because already I am having my doubts regarding some numbers concerning the Egyptian POWs , the report claims that the number of the Egyptian POWs were more than the Israeli POWs ,which is untrue according to my humble knowledge in 1973,also it did not mention the number of the Egyptian POWs that actually returned in 1967.

First of all you must know that several Arabic research centers say that Israel captured nearly 800,000 Palestinians and thousands of Arab civilians and soldiers POWs according to the official numbers since the beginning of the conflict where as the Arabic armies captured more than one thousand Israeli POWs not to mention the the Palestinian and Lebanese militias captured many Israelis whether dead or alive. As you can see with my all due respect ,on the contrary to the Israeli propaganda we lost more than they did according to the IDF numbers.

Second This is based on the official records , which means with Israel infamous record in human rights of Arab POWs you expect that there are thousands of Arab POWs who were killed and never found their ways to the records as numbers not even names.

Now the POW Swap started in 1948 between Egypt and Israel , then in 1968 for the first time Israel swapped its POWs with POWs from the PLO in the first recognition to this group and  the last one after 60 years in 2008 ironically was between Hezbollah representing Lebanon and Israel. 1948 then 1968 then 2008 , 8 is very special number far as I see.

Here is a history line to the POWs Swap:

  • Year 1948 :

After the war between the Arab armies and Israel , the Arabs captured a total of “885” Israeli POWs as follows : The Egyptian army “156” Israeli POWs , The Jordanian army “673” Israeli POWs , The Syrian army “48 Israeli POWs” and the Lebanese army “8 Israeli POWs where as the Israelis captured a total of “7116” Arab POWs !! They do not call it Nakba in the Arab world from nothing !! The Arab POWs were as follows: “5021” Palestinian POWs , “1098” Egyptian POWs, “57”Syrian POWs,”36″ Lebanese POWs,”28″ Saudi POWs, “25”Sudanese POWs,”24″ Yemeni POWs and “17” Jordanian POWs .

Israel swapped its POWs with each country alone. The first swap was with Egypt on 27/2/1949 in the famous Fallujah agreement then with Lebanon from 3/3/1949 till 4/4/1949 then the rest of the Arab countries involved. Syria was the last Arab country to swap POWs on the 21/9/1949

  • Year 1954 :

on 30/9/1954 Egypt captured 10 sailors from the ship “Bat Galim” in the Suez Canal,they were released according to the orders of the security council on 1/1/1955.

In December 1954 the Syrians captured 5 Israeli soldiers that were on a secret mission in the Golan heights, one of them “Uri Ilan ” committed suicide in his prison and his remains were sent back to Israel on the 14/1/1955. The other four were swapped for “41” Syrian POWs on 30/3/1956.

  • Year 1957 :

After the Suez War Egypt and Israel had POWs to be swapped.It started on the 21/1/1956 and ended on the 5/2/1956. Israel released “5000” Egyptian POWs for 4 Israeli POWs in the Egyptian Capture , of course there is no mention about the infamous massacre of Sharm El-Sheikh.

  • Year 1961

After the break of the Union ,on the 17/3/1961 the IDF Golani special forces made a military operation on the borders with Israel near Kibbutz “Ein Gev” where they captured two soldiers that were returned later.

  • Year 1963

Another swap operation between Syria and Israel on the 21/12/1963 , Syria released 13 Israeli POWs for 15 Syrian POWs

  • Year 1967

The mother of POWs problems and scandals not to mention defeats

The Arab armies and countries  involved in the war that time Egypt,Syria,Jordan,Lebanon and Iraq managed to capture only 15 Israeli POWs.

Egypt captured 11 Israeli POWs among them 6 Israeli marine commandos who were captured during a fiasco attack on the harbor of Alexandria , it is not our topic here but the one who caught them was actually a kid , it was a terrible operation by all means.

Then there were two pilots from the IAF and the rest were members in a spy ring.

Iraq captured two pilots who were targeting the airport H in west of Iraq ,those two were swapped for 428 Jordanian POWs !!

Syria Captured only one !!

Lebanon Captured only one !!

The IDF captured on other hand a total of 6708 Arab military and civilian , no order they killed our POWs when they thought that they were too much !!

The IDF captured civilians and military members ; here are the numbers for each country :

  • Egypt: 4338 soldiers and 899 civilians. “different from what is mentioned here
  • Jordan : 533 soldiers and 336 civilians.
  • Syria : 367 soldiers and 206 civilians.

The swap started on 15/6/1967 through the red cross and the UN and ended on the 23/1/1968.Jordan and Iraq were the first countries and Egypt was the last one.

Iraq swapped two Israeli IAF pilots Capt. Itzhak Glantz-Golan and Capt. Gideon Dror who attacked the H3 Air basese in West of Iraq for 428 Joranian POWs.

Syria swapped a pilot and 3 dead bodies for 572 Syrian POWs.

It is worth to mention that they only mentioned the number of the Israeli side captured from Egypt but they did not mention how many were exchanged for the Israeli POWs , the 11 POWs including the some member of Lavon terrorist espionage ring

  • Year 1968 :

Jordan on the 2/4/1968 Israel swapped 12 Jordanian POWs for a body of missing solider from the Karameh battle

Again I will stop here because the content of the blog here is concentrating on the 1956 and 1967 ,you can find the rest of the report in the link above

Yossi Sarid’s testimoney about the Shakid affair

Yossi Sarid Yossi Sarid is a leftist Israeli who used to be a Knesset member  a former minister and long time member in the Merertez-Yachad leftist party in Israel. Mr Sarid said in interview with Egyptian Daily Al Ahram last year 2007 that the Israeli army executed 250 unarmed Egyptian soldiers at the end of the 1967 war describing it as a war crime. Despite he did not see the controversial documentary that opened a big wound for Egyptians yet he said that he was aware that that the Israeli troops carried away out war crimes against Arab Soldiers in that War.

He may believe that it would be hard after 40 years to punish them but he was sure that history would not let them go.

Well for sure History won’t let them go with all the war crimes that they have done.

Mr.Yossi’s testimony is not the first from its kind in Israel. It is enough that those who committed the crimes in 1956 and 1967 confessed .

I do not know what the Egyptian regime needs more.

On the 4th of June From 41 years ago

On the 4th of June From 41 Years ago ,the Egyptian soldiers and officers were in Sinai waiting for a battle they did not know when it would happen , some of them had some confidence that we would win , others did not know whether we would win or lose.

On the 4th of June 1967 all the Egyptian Soldiers and officers did not have an idea of what was going to happen the next day , they did not know that the hill doors would be open and they would witness and be part in one of the most worst military defeat in the modern history.

They also did not know or imagine for one second that they would be victims of a terrible enemy that did not know any laws or morals.

I know that there were officers who had dreams that they would spend the summer in Haifa on the 4th of June and I also know that there were officers who had dreams that they would be another 1961 war alert and no actual war would take place and thus they would return back to their homes and families safely. I Know that there were huge numbers of young men from the country side whether from Nile Delta or Upper Egypt enlisted as soldiers ; who arrived in Sinai without their miliatry overall that did not know what they were doing there.

I know that back in Cairo the commandership whether the political one or the military one had their own battle between them to be busy in the real battle. I know that the Political leadership represented in Nasser did not believe that Israel would attack  ((according to his own early statements to the Egyptian air forces))and the military leadership represented in Amar  believed that after the war he would be ruling the whole middle East not only Egypt

It was only matter of hours that dreams would come an end and a nightmare would replace them , a living nightmare that parts of the Arab world would suffer from till now

The POWs in a nation in waiting

Al Jazeera International aired a special documentary “A Nation in Waiting” for the occasion of President Mubarak’s 80th birthday, this documentary is about his life and a quick critical look to Egypt under his rule for the last 27 years. It is one hour documentary, in You Tube it is divided in to four parts , in the first part which deals with the early life of Mubarak and also a quick to Egypt under Nasser’s rule there is a part concerning the six days war “which is a turning point in Mubarak’s military career”; this part includes a footage for Egyptian POWs

Here is the Clip , it is in the middle

I just want to add something , if you want to comment on this documentary based on its main content which is the life of President Mubarak , well be my guest in my main blog

Another thing I may not agree with President Mubarak’s policies as a President of State but I can’t deny what he had presented to this country as an EAF commander who helped in the reconstruction of the EAF after its semi-destruction in the six days war.

Watch this video carefully please

Please watch this video Carefully , I found it in Youtube, this video which is made by an Egyptian shows you video shots from 1973 Yom Kippur war , it shows you the surrender of an IDF Battalion in Port Tawfik in the Suez Canal.

I want you to notice how the Egyptian army treated the injured , the POWs and those who were killed in action from the IDF. This video proves the lies of the Israelis that the Egyptian army deliberately killed  their POWs and injured.

Also I would like you to see how the bodies of those who were Killed in action delivered to the Israeli side with all respect according to the international laws and treaty.

I also would like to hint that till now the Israelis search in the Delta near Ismailia for the bodies of their pilots and the Government gives all the facilities still now no one cares for 1967 and 1956 POWs

New theory about USS Liberty

The USS Liberty is from one of the enigmas in the six days war , it may be related to our case here and it may not. The theories about reason behind the Israeli attack on the warship did not stop till now

Beside being a possible indirect witness to the mass murder operations of Egyptian POWs in Al Arish , USS Liberty was intended to be a pawn in a bigger chess game , a bigger conspiracy between the United administration at that time and Israel.

In fact it was based upon an older plan the United States administration or rather the old hawks had put during the Bay of the Pigs and Cuban Missile crisis era,the same plan which resurfaced again among the 9/11 conspiracy theories that says the United States administration would send military units “without the knowledge of the people nor the military elements” to some place and sabotage them accusing their enemies of its destruction to the level that would give it the excuse in front of the American public and international community to go to where against these enemies.

I will not go any further but I recommend that you watch this little clip from the USS Liberty Memorial website , it seems that Egypt the whole world survived another world war

A red rose for all our heroes in their day

Today it marks the Martyr Day, today the 9th of March we celebrate in Egypt the memory of all those great men who sacrifice their lives  for Egypt , for all those great warriors who fall in our battles for freedom and honour , for liberty and greatness , those warriors who are the living proof that we have the best warriors in the world

A Beautiful red rose with the colour of blood to all those great men


Some people forget this day but I remember it

By the way the 9th of March marks the martyrdom of General Abd El-Monaim Riyad ,the Chief of Staff on the Egyptian Front at the Suez Canal in 1969 , this great man was a brilliant military general and it is enough to know that this man in the six days war made some small victories in the Jordanian front “he was heading it” . Already if that man were heading the Egyptian army in 1967 ,surely the result was different , unfortunately he was not the favourite type field marshal Amar respected !!!

P.S There is something strange in Egyptian National TV , they have suddenly remembered it , the TV presenters are wearing red rose !! Since when the National Egyptian became so patriot !!??