The big day is coming

الذكرى الاربعون قادمة فى  اقل من 24 ساعة و انا على استعداد لها

الحمد الله تمت اضافة العديد من المواد فى الفترة الاخيرة

اولا تمت اضافة القانون الاسرئيلى فى قسم القانون حول جرائم الحرب

ثانيا فى قسم حرب 67 تمت اضافة اقسام مهمة جدا

عن عدد الاسرى و عن بعثة الاهرام المنسية و الادعاءات الاسرائيلية

فى قسم الافلام تمت اضافة تقرير قناة الجزيرة حول حرب 67 مع شهادة مهمة للغاية لاحد المحاربين

Ok the 40th anniversary is coming just in 24 hours and I am ready for it ,there are already several updates in several sections

First of all the Law section is updated to include the Israeli Law

Second there is a page I think you must all read in the 1967 concerning the number of our POW,it is very very important please read till the end and tell me what do you

Third I made a section to answer back the Israeli counter allegations regarding the mistreatment of Israeli pows in Yom Kippur war.

Fourth I added the Al-Jazeera short special report about the 1967 six days war , where the guest a war veteran shares his memories including being an eye witness for terrible war crimes ,unfortunately it is in Arabic ,it is in the film section.

Fifth I added a page to the 1967 file regarding the forgotten Al-Ahram newspaper expedition back in year 1995.

[tags]Egyptian POWs, 1967, Six days war, history, Israel, politics, Laws[/tags]

Yom HaShoah of Egyptian POWs

Yesterday Israel celebrated the Yom HaShoah “The Remembrance day for the Holocaust and Heroism”.

I have nothing this and I am not from the camp that dedicated his or her to suspect that the Holocaust took place despite the fact I do believe it took place but in less number

Anyhow I wonder when we will have our “Yom Hashoah” in Egypt to remember the Holocaust victims of Egyptian POWs in 1967 , oh yes we had our own holocaust back in 1967

In Al-Arish and in Gaza cities as places

Egyptian POWs as the victims

and those who celebrated the Yom HaShoah yesterday the 16th of April as the victimizers

Please read this part from the Al-Arish people testimonies’ section and remember our officers and Soldiers who were burned alive and till now got now museum or a special day for remembrance

Link to Yom HaShoah – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

[tags]Yom HaShoah, Egyptian POWs, WWII, 1967, Six days war, All-Arish, Middle East, Politics, history, human rights[/tags]