It was Too Good To Be True

I thought that Ben Eliezer had to leave Qatar yesterday due to the attack on the Gaza flotilla , well I was wrong and I apologize for this as my sources were wrong , the infamous hero of Shaked war crime did not leave on the contrary he was having a very good cheerful time.

His tongue to the whole world
His tongue to the whole world

It turned out that he attended cheerfully the world economic forum in Doha along with icons and leaders from Arab world like for example Prince Hamad of Qatar who was very angry yesterday for what happened against the peace activists issuing a powerful statement and demanding an immediate Arab summit !!

Also Queen Rania of Jordan who showered her twitter account with sad facts about Gaza suffering under the Israeli occupation yesterday was at the same time at the conference with Fouad !!

Queen Rania and Prince Hamad

I understand the double personalities our rulers suffer from but whom they think they are fooling.

Here is a photo of a war criminal smiling in Qatar

Happy Fouad

Our POWs Killer To Return Back To Israel

The assault on the Gaza flotilla by the IDF is not something strange , this is the usual IDF which breaks international law without any accountability. Despite its barbaric nature , Israel is now paying the price , protests are everywhere in the world condemning its actions and  Ben Eliazer was forced to return back to Israel from Qatar due to what happened,

Already the prince of Qatar has declined to meet him today due to the attack on flotilla.

Our POWs Killer Visits Qatar

Infamous Benyamin Ben Eliazer is visiting Qatar to head the Israeli delegation for the World Economic forum held in Doha there. He is the first Israeli minister to visit Doha Officially since the War on Gaza last year. Ben Eliazer is among the main Israeli officers demanded to be prosecuted for war crimes against the Egyptian POWs in the Six days war.

He was mentioned by name in specific in the testimony of former POW Amin Ramadan and his own Israeli officers and solider in the notorious Shaked battalion.

Now despite knowing the ministerial position of Ben Eliazer , yet I do not understand why or how Qatar officially receives him with all his bloody history !! This man should be arrested for war crimes but anyhow Qatar received before Omar El-Bashir if I am not mistaken !!