Breaking News : 60 Seconds

First of all Arabic channels have just aired the video of Shalit , those expensive 60 seconds that prove he is a live and fine not to mention healthy

I will work to post it here. Shalit looks fine in fact great unlike the Palestinian and Arab prisoners. Shalit’s message was recorded last September 14, 2009 as the newspaper he was holding showed the date.

Today earlier Israel has released 19 female prisoners for those important 60 seconds, very important 60 seconds which are recorded for sure.

I want to say something , this small deal is very important , yes most of those 19 female prisoners were going to be released sooner next year but the fact that for just 60 seconds , 19 prisoners were released after years of negotiations.

Israel did not win in this deal as much as both Hamas and Omar Soliman did and I say Omar Soliman because this is a bounce for his foreign policies political record.

Here are the complete of the Palestinian female prisoners freed today by the Israeli forces :

  1. Ayat Kisi Original release date: November 18, 2009.
  2. Rojena Riyad Mohammed JinajiraOriginal release date: June 9, 2011.”
  3. Rimat abu Ayisha Original release date: November 13, 2009.”
  4. Haba Assad Halil Alantasha Original release date: March 03, 2011.”
  5. Samud Abdullah Halil Original release date: December 15, 2009.”
  6. Mimouna Javrin Held without bail pending trial”
  7. Jihad Abu-Turki Original release date: May 24, 2011″
  8. Barah Malki Original release date: November 11, 2009″
  9. Lila Mohammed Tzalah al-Buhari Original release date: October 31, 2010″
  10. Fatima Yunus al-Zak Held without bail pending trial”
  11. Nifin Halil Abdallah Dak Original release date: January 01, 2010″
  12. Kafah Bahash Original release date: September 08, 2010″
  13. Linan Yusuf Abu Ghulma Original release date: September 08, 2010″
  14. Shirin Mohammed Hasan Original release date: March 04, 2010″
  15. Sana’a Tzalah Hagargah Original release date: August 05, 2010″
  16. Sabeena Ziad Mohammed Manal Original release date: November 19, 2010″
  17. Zahoor Abed HamdanOriginal release date: May 15, 2011″
  18. Hiam Ahmed Yusuf Ba’id Original release date: May 07, 2010″
  19. Nahad Farhat Daghra Held without bail pending trial”
  20. Najuah Abed Alghani Held without bail pending trial”