Wanted in Israel for War Crimes

Wanted” is an Israeli that demands the trial of the Israeli military commanders and ministers as War crimes especially what they had done in Gaza war 2008-2009.

From those commanders we got our Shaked affair hero Binyamin Fouad Ben Eliezer ,here is what is mentioned in the website regarding his war crimes in 1967

At the end of the ’67 war, the suspect was the head of the Sayeret Shaked IDF Unit. According to testimonies by Israeli and Egyptian soldiers, the suspect ordered the killing of 250 Egyptian or Palestinian fighters (exact nationality unclear) shortly after the war ended. Evidence indicates that the killings were carried out using helicopters flying low above the Sinai desert, hunting the retreating soldiers, some of whom were unarmed.

Further eye-witness testimonies state that the suspect personally executed prisoners of war who did not obey instructions. The killing of soldiers after hostilities have ended, and the execution of prisoners of war are all expressly prohibited under international law and are classed as war crimes.

Ben Eliezer came to Egypt again after March 2007 to sign the gas export agreement with current Oil Minister Sameh Fahmy by the way. Yes Sameh Fahmy smiled and shook the hands of a war criminal whose hands are stained by our Egyptian and Arab POWs Blood.

Our POWs Murderer with our gas waster
Our POWs Murderer with our gas waster