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انا اسفة جدا لعدم تمكنى من تحديث الموقع فى الايام الاخيرة و لكن الان اعود مع التحديثات الهامة جدا جدا

اولا كل الشكر لصديق العزبز O2A لمساعدته  الكبير حيث كان كريما جدا ان يعطنى الاذن لتحميل Ùˆ استخدام ما سجله من حلقة البرنامج الناجح العاشرة مساء الخاصة بالفليم الوثائقى “عدى النهار”  الذى يدور احداثه حول نكسة حرب الايام الستة , الحمد الله قام الصديق العزيز بتسجيل الاجزاء المتعلق بالاسرى Ùˆ هى مهمة للغاية Ùˆ منها شهادة العقيد اسامة الصادق المهمة Ùˆ شهادات اسرى فى معتقل عتليت Ùˆ لقد قامت باضافة الاجزاء الى جزء الافلام

ثانيا التحديث الثانى و هو ليس بالمهم كالاول هو انى اضافت ثلاث صور الى جزء الصور منهم صورتان من مجموعتى الخاصة من كتاب كان يملكه جدى رحمه الله لم يمكن متوفرا فى مصر

Sorry for the lack of updates but please pardon me because I am not feeling well these days but here I am , back with very ,very important updates

First of all thanks to my dear Friend O2A I was able to get my hands on the historical important documentary produced by Egyptian Dream TV channel “The Day has passed” , the important parts in the documentary about the six days war regarding the POWs including the very important testimony of Osama El-Sadak the 67 and 73 wars veteran and other former pows ,these clips were added to the Films section with the permission of O2A

I can’t say how much I am happy to find these clips ,unfortunately they are in Arabic but I promise you that I will translate the summary of what was said in them , because it was very important

Another update but not as big as the previous one I added three photos to the photos section two of them is from my own private Collection from a book my late grand father owned from 1967 that wasn’t available in Egypt

[tags]updates, documentaries, Tv Series, testimonies, POWs, 1967, Six days war, Egyptian POWs, photos[/tags]

حول السفينة ليبرتى About Liberty

السفينة التجسس الامريكية ليبرتى كما يعلم البعض تم استهدافها بهدف الاغراق من قبل القوات الاسرائيلية فى يوم الثامن من يوينو 1967

   و فى الفترة الاخيرة تم اعادة فتح ملف الاسرى و مرة ثانية تجدد الحديث  فى وسائل الاعلام المصرى و خاصة جرائد المعارضة عن السفينة ليبرتى و ذهب البعض الى الاستناج ان السفينة تم استهدافها لانها كان سفينة تجسس اعترضت و سجلت من رسائل بين الفوات الاسرائيلية فى العريش و القيادة الاسرائيلية فى ذلك الوقت و ان هذه الرسائل تؤكد وجود عمليات القتل جماعى للاسرى المصريين فى سيناء

هذا جعلنى ان ابحث فى المصادر المتعلقة بهذه السفينة بل و جعلنى ان ارسل احدى افراد طافمها الناجيين من الحدث كابين  جيمس اينس حيث درات بين و بينه مراسلات

اولا طابقا له كل ما التقته السفنية من ارسال كان سوفيتا

ثانيا القوات الاسرائيلية دمرت  حجرة الاتصالات و الاسلكى فحتى اذا كانت  هناك تسجيلات  حول شىء ما فانها قد دمرت تماما

 و لكن  

يعتقد جميس اينس ان ذلك الهجوم على السفينة حدث لان السفينة كانت على اقل من خمسة عاشر ميل من العريش حيث  تم قتل  ما لا يقل عن الف اسير فى العريش

و السؤال من اين اتى له هذا الاعتقاد !!؟؟

النقطة الاهم هو انه تم توثيق حدوث جرائم قتل ضد الاسرى المصريين من قبل القوات الاسرائيلية فى سجلات الكونجرس الامريكى فى  عام 2004 فى الجزء  الخاص  بالهوامش    “اعتذر عن الترجمة الردئية”

و قد تم  تسجيل هذا الاعتراف الذى يعد الوحيد عالميا ضمن نتائج  لحنة البحث المستقلة التى كانت  تضم من احسن ضباط الاسطول الامريكى و قد وردهذا الاعتراف كاسبب محتمل لاستهداف السفينة لكنه ليس السبب المحتمل الوحيد فرجاء عدم التسرع

هذا هو الجزء الخاص المتعلق بالاسرى المصريين فى السجلات الرجاء قراءة النقطة  الثالثة عشرو التى  ترجمتها حرفيا هى

لماذا تقوم اسرائيل عمدا بالهجوم على سفينة امريكية ؟؟ دافع اسرائيل لقيام بهذا الهجوم لم يحدد من قبل جديا .لذلك و جود تحقيق فرعى مهم .يوجد افتراض ان اسرائيل قامت باعراق  السفينة عمدا مع طاقمها لاتهتم مصر بهذه التهمة لادخال الولايات المتحدة طرف فى حرب  1967. يوجد افتراض ثانى هو ان السفينة ليبرتى كانت تحمع معلومات  حول نشاطات اسرائيل  لم تكن تريد الاعلان عنها ومثلا المجزرة الاسرى المصريين التى كانت تحدث فى ذلك الوقت فى سيناء او الغزو الاسرائيلى المؤجل لسوريا

لقد نشرت كل  ما يتعلق ن السفينة فى هذا الجزء باللغة الانجليزية و هذاهو الجزء المتعلق بالاسرى المصريين  

Egypt will never forget you

Exactly from one year I began to think why we always to forget our POWs , one year ago to be specific one year and a day as I remember , when I watched in the popular TV show “10 PM” an interview with veteran and POW “Fouad Hagzy” ,I can’t forget a single word from what he had said about his terrible experience whether from capture or prison in infamous “Atlit”, the Nazi Middle east camp ran by Israeli defense army .

That episode was a turning point , I didn’t sleep that night as I kept thinking and imagining every word he said ,it was before the July Lebanon war and even before that I wondered why the world doesn’t know about this human tragedy , why does the world seem to forget ?? but I remember very important fact that the world doesn’t read Arabic , I don’t mean the governments, forget the world governments they got their own agendas ,I mean our friends in the world who protest all the over the world for our causes ,I don’t think any human being with values and morals would accept to do nothing for those who were killed even from 40 years ago ,at least he would respect them , at least he would know that they were not the terrorists with no morals at that time , at least he would know that they were humans and deserve some respect

I felt they shouldn’t be forgotten because simply Egypt didn’t forget them , these words were told by Fouad Hagzy’s friend in “Atlit”

I told you Egypt won’t forget us

He told him that when they received the Egyptian aids from the red cross ,for months those pows were considered missing and killed in action till Israel was kind enough to inform the red cross that 5500 officers and soldiers were in one of its Nazi concentration camp in the north

This word touched everyone whether Mona Shazely when he said , or the ladies of my family or me ,it will make cry , sure it will

Egypt won’t forget us 

It is just like some kind of magical words and yes Egypt didn’t and won’t forget them but its people may forget them because of life and their own struggle

I don’t know but I feel as an Egyptian blogger who succeeded among others to break the media siege in that part of the world where she lives to give to the world the real image of her country at least from her views and beliefs in the rights of freedom that it is my duty to make the world not forget about the massacres of more than 150,000 Egyptian POWs in the six days war

I don’t expect that from what I will do Israeli generals will be presented to courts from war crimes against humanity ,I am not that dreamer , but I expect that may be one or two in that world outside the Arab world or even inside as the young generations seems to be having some kind of memory loss will read all what I gathered from information regarding those innocent men and believe that it wasn’t fair and those men deserve to be remembered in prayers

These men are not less the Korean sex slaves in WWII , these men are not less the Armenians who were killed in last century , these men are not less then the Jews who were killed by the Nazis , I don’t underestimate or overestimate they are all humans and for me as a Muslim it is prohibited to kill unarmed whether a civilian or a military and believe if I tell you I consider the Egyptian Nasserist regime to be more guilty than the Israeli defense forces , of course the IDF is not that angelic hell no !!

I can’t be described as anti-semi simply because the victim and the victimizer are from Semitic origins , the cousins ironically Ben Eliezer who headed the infamous Shaked unit and killed countless number of POWs in Al-Arish is an Iraqi originally  !!

When I speak and say that the IDF were like the Nazi I don’t mean to hurt anyone but this is a fact the Israeli Defense forces act in the six days war like the Nazis killing and torturing the Egyptians in a very sick way , the Israeli soldiers and forces became exactly as those Nazi who they swear to fight their racial principles ,but suddenly they become so blind with their hate to the Arabs and Egyptians that they forgot that they just became like the Nazis in their blind hate !!

In the 1980s some Egyptian Soldier called Soliman Khater killed on the borders 5 Israeli soldiers and Israel didn’t shut up till it took from Egypt millions as compensation for the families with an execution to Khater ,here we don’t ask for money , Egyptians don’t ask for money as compensation for their martyrs no we don’t , we just want those criminals who committed crimes against our men to stand in front of justice , an international court in front of the whole world and see what they had done from 40 years ago

The 7th of June ; The civilians massacre in Sinai

Many of you think that militaries were only killed in massacres in Sinai by the hands of the IDF , well think again because there was the Faham El-Magrah Massacre in Sinai on the 7th of June 1967

Faham El-Magrah massacre

In the area of Faham El-Magrah where there are several mines a massacre took place there on the 7th of June 1967 where the IDF killed 272 Egyptian engineers and workers in one of the mines there

Of course that this is considered a complete violation for all treaties and all human values from treating the civilians during the war!!


The Shaked Spirit attacks

oh boy for months I was searching for this documentary and now I got it not only the complete Hebrew but also the Arabic translation for it ,at least to the important part where the Shaked Veteran confessed that did kill Egyptian POWs or as they described a frightened hiding in the sand commandos group !!

Already this is from El-Mahawar Egyptian Channel special coverage in Arabic “Special thanks to Abood84cc

I would like to hint that I got the complete episode of Dream Channel 10 PM special coverage about the POW but unfortunately I can’t upload it because it is too big and also the small parts of it are not accepted in Websites like Meta cafe ,already I don’t understand why they refused it ,they are accepting bad quality videos and useless videos , don’t talk to me about the copyright all the Arabic section in Meta cafe is taken from Arabic channels !!


What we can do ??

What can we do to the POWs in the 40th anniversary of the six days war ??

Well we may not able to make the Israeli government admit the guilt and the crimes they had committed against our men but we can do several other things

First we can make noise to let the world know

exactly what had taken place from 40 years in Sinai and Israel from war crimes against humanity and international laws 

  1. you can take stories from here as you want “it will be nice if you link back”
  2. You can put in your website ,blog,forum signature a banner from the banners available in the Join us section.
  3. You can put a red rose tomorrow in your cloth ,or even a pin with a red head , anything red ,small one will do the job

Second we can make something for the POWs themselves , it is not that big but it is simple very simple

Just remember them in your prayer today , whether by reading just one chapter of the holy Quran or by lighting up one candle

[tags]Six days war, history, Egyptian POWs, remembrance day[/tags]

Sorry for any downtime or difficulties

I am very sorry if there is any downtime or any difficulty in browsing the site especially in Commenting

I am very sorry ,I am working so hard now to fix things to make your experience here great

I know that the site may look strange in Firefox so please forgive me

I apologize again 🙂

and thanks for visiting

Please if you want to comment but you can not due to some difficulties ,I encourage you to send me an email on

[email protected]

And thanks

There are still more updates to come from films and information so please don’t make it your only visit to her

Also I encourage you to sign the petitions in the petition sections in links

I apologize again and please accept my apologize 🙂

Exclusive : The Complete Shaked documentary

Thank God thousand times at last I found the Israeli documentary that caused all the buzz in Egypt and Israel

The one time Showed documentary Shaked in Hebrew “unfortunately”

First I must thanks “Kabeer El-Motashardeen” and also I must thanks the man who got the documentary in the first place “Cruel World

For now it is in Hebrew , but I promise you I will translate the whole script which “Cruel World” was nice enough to translate in to Arabic in to English

Here is the film ,I am adding here in the front page along with the other films in the films section in 1967

[tags]Shaked Unit, Shaked Spirit, documentary, TV, Israel, Egyptian POws, six days war, 1967, Elizer, media[/tags]