The red cross denial is no proof

I don’t believe the red cross and I don’t care what they say because I have got my people’s testimonies and they can’t be liars , my people for the great people of Sinai ,from Al-Arish who buried the POWs by their hands  and know the place of mass graves till our day

My people from the POWs who survived ,whether those who managed to escape or those who survived the hell of Atlit

If they don’t believe my people I don’t care

They got the Israeli confessions of General Biro in 1956 stating clearly as sun what he did from war crimes  against not military but also Egyptian civilians

They can prove if they want , but they don’t same like the Egyptian regime

Today Egyptian Foreign minister talked in TV on air about this report and he was so nervous and angry in a strange way I don’t why , he kept speaking for himself the revenge of those POWs was taken in 1973 war , well he was speaking for himself not for the majority of the Egyptian people

he received the report of the red cross and sent it to the assembly to be discussed and soon officially the scenario of what happened in 1995 from closing the discussion about the POWs will happen

I promise I will not close it

Link to FilBalad.News | الصليب الأحمر : لا دليل على قتل أسرى أو مستسلمين مصريين

[tags]Egyptian POWs, 1967, 1956, red Cross, foreign Minister, tv, media, Israel, Biro, history, politics, human rights, war Crimes[/tags]

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