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انا اسفة جدا لعدم تمكنى من تحديث الموقع فى الايام الاخيرة و لكن الان اعود مع التحديثات الهامة جدا جدا

اولا كل الشكر لصديق العزبز O2A لمساعدته  الكبير حيث كان كريما جدا ان يعطنى الاذن لتحميل Ùˆ استخدام ما سجله من حلقة البرنامج الناجح العاشرة مساء الخاصة بالفليم الوثائقى “عدى النهار”  الذى يدور احداثه حول نكسة حرب الايام الستة , الحمد الله قام الصديق العزيز بتسجيل الاجزاء المتعلق بالاسرى Ùˆ هى مهمة للغاية Ùˆ منها شهادة العقيد اسامة الصادق المهمة Ùˆ شهادات اسرى فى معتقل عتليت Ùˆ لقد قامت باضافة الاجزاء الى جزء الافلام

ثانيا التحديث الثانى و هو ليس بالمهم كالاول هو انى اضافت ثلاث صور الى جزء الصور منهم صورتان من مجموعتى الخاصة من كتاب كان يملكه جدى رحمه الله لم يمكن متوفرا فى مصر

Sorry for the lack of updates but please pardon me because I am not feeling well these days but here I am , back with very ,very important updates

First of all thanks to my dear Friend O2A I was able to get my hands on the historical important documentary produced by Egyptian Dream TV channel “The Day has passed” , the important parts in the documentary about the six days war regarding the POWs including the very important testimony of Osama El-Sadak the 67 and 73 wars veteran and other former pows ,these clips were added to the Films section with the permission of O2A

I can’t say how much I am happy to find these clips ,unfortunately they are in Arabic but I promise you that I will translate the summary of what was said in them , because it was very important

Another update but not as big as the previous one I added three photos to the photos section two of them is from my own private Collection from a book my late grand father owned from 1967 that wasn’t available in Egypt

[tags]updates, documentaries, Tv Series, testimonies, POWs, 1967, Six days war, Egyptian POWs, photos[/tags]

Bad News and Good News

I have got Bad News and Good News as I think I will start with the Bad news before the Good news as I always do

The bad news I found out that Egypt can’t use the international criminal court not because it doesn’t prosecute in the crimes that took place before 2002 but because Egypt already is not a member , The Egyptian government signed it but didn’t ratify on it till now ,same thing for Israel who accused the ICC to be influenced by some countries !!

You can check the updates in the Law section

The good news is better , in fact it is a scoop in my humble opinion

The USS Liberty again whose crew came supporting Israel and left attacking the IDF and its governemtn till now

The files and the records of the USS Liberty may hold the solid evidence that proves our men in Al-Arish were killed in what is considered in the international laws as crime wars , already it is proved in the congress records that there were mass murders occured against the Egyptian POWs Yes it is ,and you can check it here in this website for the first time in an Egyptian Website

I am so thrilled with the findings I found regarding the USS Liberty and more thrilled to tell you that this year more files and records will be released this year from the NSA according to the law

Please spread the news really spread the news it is very important

[tags]uss Liberty, us navy, updates, laws, Egyptian POWs[/tags]