The POWs Case on TV in Ramadan

First happy Ramadan to all Muslims in the world , Ramadan Karim

Second I am sorry for the lake of the updates , pardon me but I was so busy in the last months

Third For the first time this year the Egyptian Drama discusses the case of the Egyptian POWs more deeply than usual

The Egyptian POWs is the focus of the Egyptian TV series “Point of Order“-نقطة نظام-

Point of Order” is about a 1967 veteran who witnessed the murder ofSalah El-Sadany the Egyptian POWs and their burial alive in the sands of Sinai , this veteran who could not forget what happened finds him in front of the same man that killed those POWs ,the same Israeli officer ,whom years later became a business man

That Israeli officer-business is coming to invest in Egypt after all those years , after what he did from crimes against the Egyptian POWs

The TV Series discusses this taboo along with other issues like the corruption and social problems the Egyptian society Facing Nowadays.

This TV Series is written by the famous Mohamed Safaa Amar , the script writer whose TV series are always successful and top rated by both viewers and critics , he wrote this TV series from five years ago only now he was able to represent it

It is directed by famous director Ahmed Saqr who had many successful and serious Egyptian TV series

The TV Series is starred by an A list actors of TV Drama in both Egypt and Syria : the leading roles are for Salah El-Sadany,Poussi and for the first time the famous Syrian star Suszan Nagm El-Din 

“Point of Order” despite being shown in a very crowd and competitive time in Ramadan with other TV Series began to win the press attention due to the sensitivity of its topic

It is currently being shown on the following channels :

– Art Hakayat – 01:00 PM “Cairo local time

ADTV – 01:00 “Emirates local time

As soon as the TV series is finished ,I will post its links for download

[tags]Egypt, media, TV, TV Series, Ramadan, Egyptian POWs, Egyptian, Syrian[/tags]

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انا اسفة جدا لعدم تمكنى من تحديث الموقع فى الايام الاخيرة و لكن الان اعود مع التحديثات الهامة جدا جدا

اولا كل الشكر لصديق العزبز O2A لمساعدته  الكبير حيث كان كريما جدا ان يعطنى الاذن لتحميل Ùˆ استخدام ما سجله من حلقة البرنامج الناجح العاشرة مساء الخاصة بالفليم الوثائقى “عدى النهار”  الذى يدور احداثه حول نكسة حرب الايام الستة , الحمد الله قام الصديق العزيز بتسجيل الاجزاء المتعلق بالاسرى Ùˆ هى مهمة للغاية Ùˆ منها شهادة العقيد اسامة الصادق المهمة Ùˆ شهادات اسرى فى معتقل عتليت Ùˆ لقد قامت باضافة الاجزاء الى جزء الافلام

ثانيا التحديث الثانى و هو ليس بالمهم كالاول هو انى اضافت ثلاث صور الى جزء الصور منهم صورتان من مجموعتى الخاصة من كتاب كان يملكه جدى رحمه الله لم يمكن متوفرا فى مصر

Sorry for the lack of updates but please pardon me because I am not feeling well these days but here I am , back with very ,very important updates

First of all thanks to my dear Friend O2A I was able to get my hands on the historical important documentary produced by Egyptian Dream TV channel “The Day has passed” , the important parts in the documentary about the six days war regarding the POWs including the very important testimony of Osama El-Sadak the 67 and 73 wars veteran and other former pows ,these clips were added to the Films section with the permission of O2A

I can’t say how much I am happy to find these clips ,unfortunately they are in Arabic but I promise you that I will translate the summary of what was said in them , because it was very important

Another update but not as big as the previous one I added three photos to the photos section two of them is from my own private Collection from a book my late grand father owned from 1967 that wasn’t available in Egypt

[tags]updates, documentaries, Tv Series, testimonies, POWs, 1967, Six days war, Egyptian POWs, photos[/tags]