The IDF war Crimes continue despite they could have been stoppped

The IDF war crimes continue in Gaza and the world is watching silently where as hundreds of innocent children ,women and children are being killed. They were killed by the IDF favorite weapons : The incendiary weapons !! It became an official fact that Israel is using White phosphorus after all it targeted the UNRWA buildings with it for three times !! Of course we do not need to mention the DIME and other unknown weapons used in this barbaric Nazi war

This is not the first time Israel used incendiary weapons against civilians or even against military to be accurate because I can’t forget the fact that the IDF and IAF mostly nobly poured napalm on our officers and soldiers in their attempt to withdraw from Sinai in the six days war. I can’t forget the fact that napalm was used against our citizens in the Suez Canal Cities on the morning of the 5th of June 1967 !!

In all of the Israeli wars with us prohibited weapons were used and the world acted as if we were less than animals with my all due respect.

May be the world for real listened to us then those children would not have !!  May be the world needed hard evidence , well below is hard evidence , I wonder what the civilized world will do to these violations of Geneva convention No.4

Please spread that slide show

I gathered all the photos day by day since the beginning of the land invasion of Gaza

I hope this time we will be able to do something , at least for those poor kids we must try to sue the war criminals of the IDF in front of the ICC ,We Can do it.

New updates

First of all I am sorry for the lack of updates again , pardon me but I was so sick in the past couple of weeks and I could not have given this website its right in my condition

Second of all I must thank all those wonderful people who sent my all those wonderful emails ,thank you so much with out your support I don’t know what I can do ,really I thank You so much

Third to the updates :

  • First I added to pictures to the hero Mohamed Mahran section , one of them is very rare and I have to thank Dr. El-Shaer for letting me to use it , it was taken for the hero Mahran when he was being transferred from Port Said to Malt , the second one is the photo of Mohamed Mahran right now ,I captured from his interview in “10 PM” TV show on Dream last November 2006



  • Second I am working on two interesting doumentaries ,one of them I promised you to upload from several months but I could not due to its large size but thank God I am working on minimizing it ,it is the special episode of popular TV show “10 PM” with the Egyptian POWs Veteran , the second ,well the Second is a surprise , huge one and I thank My dear O2A for helping me to find it

Updates and more of updates

انا اسفة جدا لعدم تمكنى من تحديث الموقع فى الايام الاخيرة و لكن الان اعود مع التحديثات الهامة جدا جدا

اولا كل الشكر لصديق العزبز O2A لمساعدته  الكبير حيث كان كريما جدا ان يعطنى الاذن لتحميل Ùˆ استخدام ما سجله من حلقة البرنامج الناجح العاشرة مساء الخاصة بالفليم الوثائقى “عدى النهار”  الذى يدور احداثه حول نكسة حرب الايام الستة , الحمد الله قام الصديق العزيز بتسجيل الاجزاء المتعلق بالاسرى Ùˆ هى مهمة للغاية Ùˆ منها شهادة العقيد اسامة الصادق المهمة Ùˆ شهادات اسرى فى معتقل عتليت Ùˆ لقد قامت باضافة الاجزاء الى جزء الافلام

ثانيا التحديث الثانى و هو ليس بالمهم كالاول هو انى اضافت ثلاث صور الى جزء الصور منهم صورتان من مجموعتى الخاصة من كتاب كان يملكه جدى رحمه الله لم يمكن متوفرا فى مصر

Sorry for the lack of updates but please pardon me because I am not feeling well these days but here I am , back with very ,very important updates

First of all thanks to my dear Friend O2A I was able to get my hands on the historical important documentary produced by Egyptian Dream TV channel “The Day has passed” , the important parts in the documentary about the six days war regarding the POWs including the very important testimony of Osama El-Sadak the 67 and 73 wars veteran and other former pows ,these clips were added to the Films section with the permission of O2A

I can’t say how much I am happy to find these clips ,unfortunately they are in Arabic but I promise you that I will translate the summary of what was said in them , because it was very important

Another update but not as big as the previous one I added three photos to the photos section two of them is from my own private Collection from a book my late grand father owned from 1967 that wasn’t available in Egypt

[tags]updates, documentaries, Tv Series, testimonies, POWs, 1967, Six days war, Egyptian POWs, photos[/tags]


Sorry for the lack of the updates in the past last couple of weeks I got busy with the referendum and the Arab Summit , the good thing that I got more and more coming in the way insh Allah

  1. The photos section in the 1967 is opened , from the photos you can see the huge numbers of the POWs and the humiliation they suffered from.
  2. The Laws section is updated with new information regarding the Camp David accords and the International crime court.
  3. The Al-Arish People testimonies section is also updated with several testimonies that go back to 1995

There is also a news update from Egypt regarding the official reaction , Mofid Shaab, the minister of legal affairs of the assembly said yesterday that Egypt requested the red cross to investigate the case officially, this statement came after accusations of the parliament members to the government and the foreign minister of being lazy

Source : AL-Masryon e-newspaper

Comment: This is not the first time Egypt requests the red cross to investigate and it is not the first time the red cross investigates the case ,it did in 1995 and already according to eye witnesses the red cross knew about the war crimes that happened in the six days war since 1967 , in 1995 they found mass graves and they didn’t do anything to be really mentioned .

Already this is not a bad step but not an effective one , it is essential to make the world believes us as our creditability is not as before and thus an international proof is required ,but we shouldn’t act as if it were the only way

[tags]Website, News, Egyptian POWs, Red Cross, Government, Official, Foreign Minister, Laws, Photos, Al-Al-Arish[/tags]