Now they feel how it is like

Now the Israelis feel how it is like to have their sons captured and killed without knowing anything about them

Shimon Perez sad at last
Shimon Perez sad at last

for two years.

Now the Israelis feel how it is like to have last minute hope that their sons will come alive from the door house

despite all the indicators that say other wise.

Now the Israelis feel how it is like to see those who they accuse of being war criminals honored in their country and treated like heroes.

Hezbollah managed to return back its POWs and the remaining of its fighters and other Arab fighters that go back for nearly 3 decades ago in POW swap with Israel for the remains of  Eldad Regev and Ehud Goldwasser under the supervision of Germany.

Many Egyptian families since 1967 are waiting to be like the Israeli or the Arab families that restore their sons whether alive or dead from two weeks ago.

Many Egyptian families wish to know the fate of their sons just the families of  Eldad Regev and Ehud Goldwasser, in fact the Israeli families are lucky compared to the Egytpian families that do not know the fate of their sons since 1956.

Eldad Regev and Ehud Goldwasser at last made it
Eldad Regev and Ehud Goldwasser at last made it

Now the Israelis know how it is like

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