New testimony

I added today a new Egyptian Military testimony not from a POW but more from a survivor

You can check it here

It is the longest testimony and it is one of the best example of how it was in Sinai in June 1967 and it is the 16th in that section

I am sorry if there is any spelling or grammar mistake in the translation , I still got more testimonies 1995 to be added ,not to mention the photos and videos ,please pardon if I appeared lazy ,I am not.

Of course you noticed that suddenly things are getting quiet , well the best thing that there are others who promised not to forget at least I am one of them.

Officials are speaking in a strange way like they never knew that mass murders happened in six days war ,I mean every vateran in 1967 can tell you two or three stories that confirms the existance of the mass murders

And it is not only the mass murders of 1967 , it is also the mass murder of 1956

[tags]Egyptian POWs, Egypt, 1967, History, Politics, Wars, 1956[/tags]

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